Check out our Team

The community of the consortium Breed4Food is represented by several people of the five partners. For coordination of the research program PPP Breed4Food III, each Work Package has a leader and a co-leader. The overall coordination of the research program is the responsibility of the program leader and manager Breed4Food. On a more strategic level, each partner has appointed a senior researcher as representative in the Working Group. Together with the program leader and manager Breed4Food, the Working Group initiates and formulates research proposals in the Breed4Food field and guide and monitor projects once started. Furthermore, the Working Group is there to approve affiliate projects in which at least two of the five Breed4Food partners are involved. Finally, the Board is  the governance body of the cooperation with a high level representative of each of the four partners. The Board supervises the research and other activities as performed by Breed4Food to be in line with the scope and intentions as stipulated in the consortium agreement of Breed4Food.

Research Program

Jeremie Vandenplas Breed4Food 2022Marco Bink Breed4FoodAniek Bouwman Breed4Food 2024Barbara Harlizius Breed4Food 2022Claudia Kamphuis Breed4Food 2022Christopher Orrett Breed4FoodKarel de Greef Breed4Food 2022 Mario Calus Breed4Food 2022Han Swinkels Breed4Food 2022Larissa Zetouni Breed4Food 2024Larissa Zetouni Breed4Food 2024

Working Group

Aniek Bouwman Breed4Food 2024Christopher Orrett Breed4FoodMarco Bink Breed4FoodHan Swinkels Breed4Food 2022Natalia Leite Breed4Food 2024


Sander de Roos Breed4FoodJohan van Arendonk Breed4Food 2022Hans Olijslagers Breed4Food 2022Ernst van den Ende Breed4Food