Torsten Pook

I am a researcher at Wageningen University and Research since 2022. Originally from Germany, I completed my Bachelor and Master in Business Mathematics at the University of Mannheim before turning to quantita-tive genetics and animal breeding for my PhD at the University of Goettingen. Most of my research revolves around statistical analysis of large-scale datasets and method development that is available in various soft-ware packages such as MoBPS, HaploBlocker and HBimpute. My main topics of research include the simula-tion and optimization of breeding programs, identifying patterns in (genetic) datasets for haplotyping and imputation, and analyzing longitudinal data. As practical application of my work was always of high im-portance to me, B4F is basically the perfect fit for my interests and I am heavily involved in most of the work packages. Since 2025, I have taken over the lead of work package 4, entitled “Genomic breeding program optimization”.

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