Influencing the world: 150 years of Dutch breeding - Seminar wrap up

In line with CRV’s 150 years anniversary, the Breed4Food community and invitees were invited to reflect on the past, present and future of animal breeding in the biannual Breed4Food seminar on 2 May 2024. The seminar was hosted by CRV at their new head office in Arnhem.
With a focus on the dairy industry, the participants were walked through some of CRV’s recent achievements, while also the floor was opened for the partners Hendrix Genetics, Topigs Norsvin and Wageningen University and Research to reflect on the challenges and opportunities in other species.

Angus Haslett, CEO of CRV, welcomed the in total 80 in person participants, and another 11 online, to join in the celebration of 150 years of CRV. He stated that CRV is very proud to be part of Breed4Food and challenged the Breed4Food community to contribute to the challenge to feed the world. Han Swinkels chaired the afternoon and introduced the program. Each of the partners presented important achievements and developments. The seminar was concluded by a guest presentation by John Cole, who currently is Chief Research & Development Officer at the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding in the US.

Here you can find the abstract.